You have been in a fender bender, and you are wondering if you should report the accident to your insurance company or if a claim will just lead to more headaches. Some insurance policies require that you report any damage to the vehicle before any repairs are started, so always make sure to check what your policy says. Even if your insurance policy does not require immediate reporting, read below to understand the benefits and pitfalls of reporting a minor car accident. Our car accident attorneys could help you understand your options.
Even though dealing with the insurance company might seem like more of a hassle than it is worth, there are some absolute advantages to reporting even a minor claim to your insurance carrier. First, your insurance provider will help make sure you have detailed documentation of the accident, which could be crucial if a dispute regarding fault or injuries arises in the future. Filing a claim under your insurance policy will also help cover the costs of any minimal repairs needed after your accident.
Even minor accidents can sometimes result in serious injuries or damage to the vehicle that is not immediately apparent. Additionally, some policies require that every car accident, even minor ones, are reported to avoid a lapse in coverage. This is why it can be helpful to report even a fender bender to your auto insurance carrier and have peace of mind that all your ducks are in a row.
If you have reviewed your policy and are confident that failing to report will not result in a lapse in your coverage, you may consider handling the matter on your own, which can be beneficial for a few reasons. Sometimes, the costs of repairs after a minor accident are actually less than the cost of the deductible on your insurance policy. Paying out of pocket for the repairs would benefit you financially. This can also help avoid an increase in your premium, which can result from filing even a minor claim under the policy.
After a fender bender, you may find yourself faced with the decision to file a claim under your insurance policy or handle the matter privately. It is crucial to first review your policy – especially the fine print – to understand the reporting requirements and potential consequences of filing a claim. After reviewing your policy, you may find that it is financially beneficial to handle the matter privately. If you are unsure, speak with an experienced attorney who can review the facts of your case and point you in the right direction.