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What Happens if a Truck Driver Leaves the Scene of an Accident?

Posted in Truck Accidents on Monday, September 30, 2024.

All Pennsylvania drivers have the same duty of care requiring them to act responsibly behind the wheel and follow the rules of the road. That includes the rule requiring drivers to stop at the scene of a collision, exchange contact and insurance information with each other, summon medical help for anyone who needs it, and wait for responding police to release them before leaving the scene.

If a truck driver leaves the scene of an accident without doing all those things, they have broken state law and may face serious criminal and civil consequences. Unfortunately, a truck driver breaking the law in this way can also make it harder to seek civil compensation for injuries caused by the wreck. Help from an experienced truck accident attorney after a hit and run is essential.

What Penalties Could the Truck Driver Face?

In Pennsylvania, leaving the scene of an accident can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a felony offense, depending on how severe the damage was. If a truck driver illegally flees the scene of a wreck resulting in a serious injury, they may face a mandatory minimum prison term of 90 days on top of thousands of dollars in fines and the loss of their commercial driver’s license. If the wreck resulted directly in a fatality, the mandatory minimum prison term for a hit-and-run increases to three years.

A truck driver who commits a hit-and-run is not automatically civilly liable for the incident. If you want to recover civilly for injuries you suffered in a hit-and-run truck crash, you will still need to prove you were hurt directly due to the truck driver’s irresponsible actions behind the wheel before they illegally fled the scene.

Strengthening a Civil Claim Against a Hit-and-Run Trucker

It is only possible to sue a truck driver who unlawfully leaves the scene of an accident they caused if you can identify the specific trucker who hit you. For that reason, it can be vital to immediately write down any details you remember about the truck and driver who fled the scene, such as:

  • A physical description of their truck
  • Any identifying marks or numbers on the trailer
  • Any part of their license plate number

You should never try to chase the trucker after a hit and run. It is the police’s job to track down and press criminal charges against a trucker who breaks the law in this way. Your job is to take care of your own injuries and prevent anyone else from getting hurt in any kind of high-speed pursuit.

A Seasoned Attorney Could Help with Recovery After a Trucker Leaves the Scene of an Accident

Even if you are unable to find a truck driver who leaves the scene of an accident, you may still be able to recover financially for your losses, depending on what type of personal auto insurance coverage you have. Either way, assistance from a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer will be vital to getting the most money possible. Call our firm today to learn more.