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Jersey City Foster Care Abuse Attorney

Foster care is supposed to be a safe place for children who are either waiting for a long-term placement with a family or waiting to be reunited with their own family. However, some children end up in the foster care system for long periods of time, exposing them to more risk of being sexually abused.

The team at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys does not tolerate this kind of abuse. When you need a Jersey City foster care abuse attorney, call us today so we can work on securing the compensation you deserve.

The System

First, we want to give you some statistics about foster care in the United States. According to Children’s Rights, for the latest reporting year, there were are around 443,000 children in foster care in the country. In 2017, nearly 700,000 children spent time in the foster care system.

  • Most kids remain in foster care for nearly two years.
  • 6% of children in foster care stay there for five or more years.
  • The average age of children entering foster care is 8.
  • Most foster care children live in a family setting, but 11% live in institutions or group homes.

With that many children in the foster care system, abuse is inevitable, especially when we consider the following statistics from Darkness to Light:

  • 10% of children will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
  • Abuse happens to BOTH girls and boys.
  • 90% of abuse victims know their abuser.

Homes and institutions where abuse happens are generally the result of a breakdown in the process. When it comes to New Jersey foster care abuse, we know that many people and agencies are involved. Abuse can happen when:

  • Not enough background research was done before placement.
  • There was not enough supervision or welfare checks on the child.
  • Follow up was not consistent.
  • Action was not taken when abuse was suspected.
  • Kids are placed in a home with adults without sufficient means to care for them.

The effects of foster care sexual abuse will follow survivors for the rest of their lives. They enter this system because they need protection. The last thing a foster care child should ever have to worry about is being sexually abused.

What We Will Do To Help

There are so many children in the foster care system and they all deserve to be treated well. They did not choose to be there. If you discover that a child in foster care has been abused, or you are a foster care child who has been abused, seek legal assistance immediately.

Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys is ready to step in and get you the compensation you deserve. This could include:

  • Compensation for counseling
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages against the perpetrator(s)
    • The person who abused you
    • Agencies they worked for
    • Anyone who covered up the abuse

If you need a Jersey City foster care abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.