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Lancaster Sexual Assault Attorney

Surviving a sexual assault changes everything. Such a profound violation of a person’s body and autonomy has significant physical and mental consequences with long-term financial harm. If you or a loved one has suffered a sexual assault, Soloff & Zervanos, PC, can help.

Sex crimes are usually pursued criminally. However, civil suits against the perpetrator and other liable parties may offer an additional means of closure. Recovering damages will not lessen the trauma you have experienced, but it may serve as another means to fight back.

A Lancaster sexual assault attorney can provide compassionate, supportive representation during this difficult time. To schedule a free consultation, click here or call Soloff & Zervanos, PC at 866-597-8572.

Understanding Sexual Assault Under Pennsylvania Law

In 1997, the Supreme Court held that bodily integrity is a Constitutional Right, “as articulated in the Bill of Rights and as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.” Bodily integrity refers to the right of every person and child to be free from unconsented acts against their body, most notably, sexual assault.

Sexual assault is a pervasive criminal act that affects all genders and ages. However, the defining acts vary from state to state. In Pennsylvania, sexual assault is defined as deviate sexual intercourse without consent, including but not limited to:

  • Anal, vaginal, or oral penetration, commonly referred to as rape
  • Forced stimulation of the genital area

If you are a survivor but unsure whether to come forward, our sensitive sexual assault lawyers are here to answer questions confidentially. At Soloff & Zervanos, PC, your right to privacy is our topmost concern.

What Are the Long-term Effects of Sexual Assault?

Sexual violence causes lasting medical, mental, and physical ramifications. Survivors of sexual assault frequently struggle in school or their career, experience ongoing health issues, suffer PTSD, and unwanted pregnancy.

Sexual Assault in America

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, across the US:

  • 81% of women have reported sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime
  • Over 51% of reported rapes were perpetrated by an intimate partner
  • Nearly a quarter of men experience some form of sexual violence

Sexual assault in the LGBTQ community occurs at similar or higher rates:

  • 1 in 10 LGBTQ survivors experienced their assault at the hands of an intimate partner
  • Nearly half of transgender people and bisexual women experience sexual assault
  • 26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men have suffered rape by an intimate partner

Long-term Mental and Physical Costs

Numerous studies illustrate the mental impact of sexual assault. However, the ongoing physical consequences have been widely understudied. Recently, a new study demonstrated how psychological damage can affect a person physically.

Decades after the assault, survivors:

  • Had significantly higher blood pressure
  • Saw a 20% increase in heart disease risk
  • Suffered from clinically poor sleep and insomnia
  • Saw risk for major clinical depression triple and the risk for anxiety double

Consult a Sexual Assault Attorney in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

If you or a loved one have been sexually violated, turn to Soloff & Zervanos, PC, for the advocacy you deserve. Our Lancaster sexual assault attorneys will investigate your case to hold all liable parties accountable.

For over 25 years, we have helped sexual assault and sexual abuse survivors recover damages, closure, and the resources to move on with their lives. Please reach out to Soloff & Zervanos, PC, for compassionate, personalized representation. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.