Philadelphia Stroke Misdiagnosis Lawyer

A stroke that is in progress must be properly diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible. If it is not, the consequences can be extremely injurious or even terminal. Unfortunately, medical professionals do ignore warning signs or symptoms, and can delay necessary treatments.

Among the most frequent warning signs are dizziness, loss of balance, numbness/weakness on one side of the body and blurred vision. If a doctor ignores these or does not correctly interpret them, he or she may be held liable if a patient is injured. A Philadelphia stroke misdiagnosis lawyer could review a case and determine the next steps for a claim. Contact a failure to diagnose attorney for help.

Call Philadelphia Stroke Misdiagnosis Lawyer to Start a Claim

Because of our team’s extensive experience obtaining millions for clients in medical malpractice cases, we at Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., are prepared to bring our expertise to any stroke misdiagnosis case. It is important to realize that in some cases a stroke cannot be prevented. That said, a misdiagnosis makes it impossible to stop the progression of damage. We will do everything we can to fully investigate your injury and determine whether misdiagnosis was the issue. If it was, we will do everything possible to obtain compensation to cover the costs of the injury.

Because early preparation is extremely important to investigation, we encourage you to get in touch with our Philadelphia stroke misdiagnosis lawyers as soon as possible.

Reach out to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Phones are answered 24 hours a day.

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