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Allentown Elder Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Residents of nursing homes or other facilities serving the elderly should provide a safe environment for all who live there. Unfortunately, sexual abuse among older individuals is common in these facilities. Not only is this behavior criminal but the victim may be entitled to financial compensation.

If your loved one is suffering from abuse, now is the time to discuss your options with a seasoned sexual abuse and assault attorney. An Allentown elder sexual abuse lawyer could provide you with resources and assist you with pursuing the compensation they deserve.

What Qualifies as Sexual Abuse?

This type of abuse involves any form of sexual contact or exposure with an older person without their consent. Many incidents arise based on situations where a person actively refuses to consent to sexual contact. However, many elders are incapable of giving consent due to their lack of mental capacity.

Other scenarios can involve threats, coercion, or manipulation. When a person feels threatened, they may submit to this contact without actually consenting to it. An Allentown elder sexual abuse attorney can pursue justice in these situations.

Recovering Financial Compensation

The victims of sexual abuse have the right to file a lawsuit, and an Allentown lawyer can help. This type of legal action could target the perpetrator and anyone who allowed them the opportunity to abuse others.

The remedy for a civil lawsuit is monetary compensation, but the types of damages can vary. No two cases are identical, with the specific facts of the case determining the appropriate settlement value.

Often, the primary concern with these claims is the cost of medical care. Victims of sexual abuse may need treatment for injuries or sexually transmitted infections, among other things. There is also the cost of therapy to address any emotional wounds that might have occurred. A settlement might also address an elderly person’s pain and suffering resulting from their injuries.

Pursuing these cases is often about more than just monetary compensation. For many, it is about preventing this type of predatory behavior so that it does not happen again to someone else. An attorney will aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for the victim.

Know the Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse

A challenging aspect of dealing with an elderly person who is injured is that they are not always able to communicate clearly. It might not be immediately obvious that they were victimized, especially if they are nonverbal or have limited capacity to understand what is happening around them.

Given these challenges, it is helpful to know the signs of abuse. Some examples include the following:

  • Changes in mood
  • Unexplained injuries or bruises
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Fear around certain individuals
  • Withdrawing from conversations
  • Refusing to eat

If these signs manifest, it may be time to seek professional help. When elder sexual abuse happens, an Allentown lawyer could pursue justice and ensure this behavior is penalized.

Talk to an Allentown Elder Sexual Abuse Attorney Immediately

If your loved one suffered injuries at the hands of an abuser, they have the right to pursue legal action. These lawsuits might also target the facility where the attack occurred. Speak with an Allentown elder sexual abuse lawyer right away to learn more.