Sexual assault or abuse is often a life-altering experience for victims of any age. While money alone cannot erase the physical and psychological harm caused by sexual assault, it can still be important to enforce your right to civil recovery after being targeted by a crime of this nature, especially if the attack has caused you significant financial losses.
Civil litigation can be challenging under the best of circumstances, but it can be especially important to have help from an experienced sexual assault attorney when pursuing compensation. In addition to protecting your privacy and representing your best interests in and out of court, a compassionate Allentown rape victim lawyer could ensure all past and future harm caused by your attack is factored into your lawsuit or settlement demand.
Civil and criminal cases based on the same sexual assault will proceed simultaneously and separately from each other. A victim does not need to wait until the criminal case against their attacker has concluded before starting the civil litigation process against them.
Additionally, civil and criminal cases dealing with sexual assault have different standards of proof applicable to them. As an Allentown rape victim attorney could explain further, this means it is possible to hold someone civilly liable for sexual assault injuries even if they are acquitted, have their charges dismissed, or are never criminally charged for sexual assault.
For victims of sexual assault which occurred before turning 18 years old, they may have until their 55th birthday to file a civil suit against their attacker or other responsible parties. All other rape victims generally have two years from the date of their attack to file suit. Statutes of limitation are different in every state and may also be considered for assaults that may have occurred outside of Pennsylvania to protect the victim’s rights.
Both economic and non-economic consequences of a sexual assault can be incorporated into an ensuing civil claim, including but not restricted to:
Depending on the circumstances, a rape victim lawyer in Allentown may also be able to help demand compensation from a third party who negligently failed to prevent a sexual assault from occurring—for example, a landlord who failed to install security cameras and functioning locks in an apartment building or an employer of a teacher or youth leader who sexually assaults a child.
While prosecutors and court authorities take sexual assault seriously, the criminal justice system is designed to punish criminals rather than compensate the victims or hold other responsible parties accountable. It is imperative to take action in civil court before or after your attacker is prosecuted for sexually assaulting you.
Working closely with a seasoned Allentown rape victim lawyer can simplify and streamline the litigation process and give you better chances of achieving a favorable result. Call today to schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your legal options.