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On nursing home neglect, and the search for justice

Posted in Nursing Home Neglect on Friday, June 19, 2015.

As we all get older, we will all eventually need some form of help or assistance from the medical industry to get by. It’s just the way things are — we get older, and our bodies deteriorate. That’s life. But what shouldn’t be part of life, and what shouldn’t be “the way things are” is getting to a medical facility and being abused by the people who work there.

In the context of nursing homes, this is very important. Nursing homes are common medical facilities that people use to get the help and daily assistance that they need so that they can live their life in their later years. These are critical facilities. Most of the time, they work flawlessly. But in some cases, these nursing homes allow terrible and neglectful things to happen.

When nursing home residents are abused by nursing home workers, the results are often messy and upsetting. But if there’s one thing that isn’t messy and upsetting, it is this: those nursing home residents have rights, and they can certainly seek justice in the form of a civil lawsuit against the perpetrators and/or the nursing home itself.

So, what kind of abuse are we talking about? Well, the abuse could be something relatively minor, such as failing to supervise a resident when that resident was in need. This is still a terrible offense — but in comparison to other offenses, such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, and inflicting intentional mental or emotional harm on a patient, this is a tame offense.

Still, any of these forms of abuse should be fully investigated and the victims of these terrible crimes deserve justice.