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Philadelphia Elevator and Escalator Accident Lawyer

Accidents that occur on elevators or escalators often result in severe injuries for victims. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., we are standing by to help if you need a Philadelphia elevator and escalator accident lawyer by your side. If the careless or negligent actions of a property owner have caused your injuries, a premises liability attorney will investigate the claim in order to secure full compensation for your losses.

Injuries on Elevators and Escalators

Elevators and escalators are areas of a property where individuals can sustain significant injuries if these devices are not properly inspected and maintained. These injuries can occur in a variety of ways. Elevators and escalators are comprised of hundreds of moving parts that must be properly maintained by property owners.

These moving parts pose a significant threat to any person when they are not working properly. This can include body parts or clothing getting caught in between moving parts, leading to significant injuries or fatalities. Though not as traumatic as getting caught in the moving parts of these devices, something as simple as a broken railing can lead to significant lacerations.

Usually, injuries that occur on elevators and escalators are relatively minor, but that is not always the case. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., our Philadelphia lawyers have helped clients who have sustained the following injuries in elevator and escalator incidents:

Elevator and Escalator Inspections

Elevator and escalator accidents are usually preventable, particularly when property owners take the steps required by law to keep them safe. When we look at Pennsylvania’s Uniform Construction Code, we can see that the Department of Labor and Industry has “the sole jurisdiction to approve the construction in use of all elevators and other lifting devices, no matter where they are located in Pennsylvania.”

Aside from gaining initial approval and inspection for a new elevator or escalator, the law requires that every one of these devices be periodically inspected every six or 12 months. Depending on the last inspection date, an inspector will typically return to conduct an inspection within the appropriate time frame without the owner or property having to schedule the inspection. Any certified elevator inspector can conduct a periodic inspection, and if the equipment is not inspected within the appropriate time frame, the owner of the elevator or escalator should contact a third-party inspection agency to make arrangements for an inspection. When an elevator or escalator is not inspected, an attorney in Philadelphia could hold the business liable through an accident claim.

Contact a Philadelphia Elevator and Escalator Accident Attorney Today

When you or someone you care about has been injured in an elevator or escalator accident in the Philadelphia area, contact an attorney as soon as possible. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., we have extensive experience handling complex injury cases, and we are ready to get to work on your behalf. Our team will investigate the incident and work to determine the liability of any party involved in this case. This could include property owners or equipment manufacturers. Our goal is to secure full compensation for your losses, which can include:

  • Coverage of all medical bills related to the incident
  • Lost wages if you cannot work
  • Any household out-of-pocket expenses
  • Loss of quality of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages

When you need a Philadelphia elevator and escalator accident lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation.