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Philadelphia Power Line Electrocution Injury Lawyer

Contact with overhead power lines is the leading cause of electrical injuries and deaths in the construction industry. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, our construction accident attorneys represent the victims — those who suffer disabling injuries and family members of a construction worker who died from electrocution.

To schedule a free consultation with a Philadelphia power line electrocution injury lawyer, please call.

Compensating The Victims

Regardless of who was at fault for the power line accident, you are entitled to benefits from workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation may not be your only source of recovery.

While employers are generally protected from being sued by employees for injuries suffered on the job, there are exceptions. Here are a few examples:

  • Your employer violated safety regulations and knowingly exposed you to danger.
  • A third party (such as a property owner or power company) was responsible for accident.
  • Your equipment failed to protect you.

Employers tend to blame power line accidents on the victim, saying the worker was not paying attention. It often takes a Philadelphia lawyer’s help to determine the real cause of a power line electrocution. The employer may have exposed the worker to dangers of electrocution because it either did not understand the risk or was rushing to complete a job.

Direct contact with power lines is not required to sustain a serious shock injury. Conductive objects in close proximity to a power line can create an arc of current reaching a worker several feet away. Electrical shock can result in serious burn injuries that result in permanent tissue damage, scars, and excruciating pain.

With more than 25 years of experience, our lawyers at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, are ready to do whatever is necessary to obtain the full compensation you deserve.

Contact a Philadelphia Power Line Electrocution Injury Attorney For Help

Contact a Philadelphia power line electrocution injury lawyer at our firm to seek compensation for your injuries.