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Philadelphia Hospital Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Although most medical providers are caring, trustworthy professionals, those who commit sexual abuse can do considerable emotional and physical damage. As people in positions of power who are serving a vulnerable population, physicians can easily abuse their power.

If you or a loved one has been sexually assaulted by a doctor or other medical professional, we may be able to help you take action. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we represent child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault survivors.

Attorney Jeffrey Fritz leads our law firm’s practice of compassionately representing sexual abuse victims. He is a charter member and past president of the National Crime Victim Bar Association, an affiliate of the National Center for Victims of Crime.

Our Philadelphia hospital sexual abuse lawyers have the experience and resources to investigate and prosecute medical facilities and individual professionals. We prepare strong cases and relentlessly pursue compensation on your behalf.

Taking Action Against Medical Providers

We represent adults and children who have suffered sexual abuse by nurses, doctors, or other medical professionals such as:

  • Nursing assistants
  • Home health aides
  • Nursing home staff
  • Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists
  • Dentists

Medical providers, whether they are facilities or individuals, may be liable if patients are sexually abused in their facilities or by their staff. A hospital sexual abuse lawyer in Philadelphia can make claims against a facility such as a hospital, clinic, or nursing home for negligent hiring practices, failure to screen employees and volunteers, lack of supervision, and inadequate security.

Failure To Report Hospital Sexual Abuse

Medical personnel are typically considered mandatory reporters, required by the state to report suspicions of child abuse to authorities. Failure to report suspected child sexual abuse is a violation of mandatory reporting requirements. In Pennsylvania, medical mandatory reporters include physicians, osteopaths, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, podiatrists, interns, nurses, school nurses, mental health professionals, and hospital personnel.

Common Examples of Hospital Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse by doctors and other hospital staff members is a disturbing and unacceptable form of abuse that can have serious physical and emotional consequences for victims. While any form of sexual abuse is unacceptable, it is particularly heinous when it occurs in a place where people are seeking medical treatment and are vulnerable due to illness or injury. There are several ways in which doctors and staff members at hospitals might sexually abuse patients, including:

  • Inappropriate touching or advances: This can include unwanted physical contact or sexual advances made by a doctor or staff member.
  • Performing unnecessary or inappropriate exams: This can include performing exams or procedures that are not medically necessary or that are designed to be sexually suggestive or gratifying to the doctor or staff member.
  • Making inappropriate comments or advances: This can include making suggestive or sexual comments to a patient or using their position of authority to make sexual advances.
  • Engaging in sexual contact without consent: This can include any form of sexual contact between a doctor or staff member and a patient that is not consensual.
  • Photographing patients in a sexual manner: This can include taking inappropriate or sexually suggestive photos of patients, or making inappropriate comments or advances while taking photographs.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse by a doctor or hospital staff member, it is important to seek help and support. This can include seeking medical care, contacting law enforcement, and speaking with a skilled hospital sexual abuse lawyer in Philadelphia about your legal options. Do not hesitate to reach out for help and support as you navigate this difficult and emotional experience.

How a Hospital Sexual Abuse Attorney Can Help

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a medical provider or hospital staff member, an attorney in Philadelphia may be able to help you secure compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other such damages and losses. Specific ways in which a lawyer can assist you in these circumstances include:

  • Reviewing your case to determine if you have grounds to take legal action
  • Conducting an investigation to gather evidence showing that sexual abuse occurred
  • Reviewing your compensable losses/damages to determine approximately how much compensation you may deserve
  • Filing a claim or lawsuit on your behalf
  • Entering into negotiations with the insurance company or other responsible parties for a fair settlement on your behalf
  • Pursuing damages in court if a fair settlement isn’t offered

After a traumatic experience in a hospital or healthcare setting, your goal should be to focus on
making a recovery. We willl handle the process of seeking compensation.

Have You Or A Loved One Been The Victim Of Hospital Sexual Abuse?

Please call us to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled and proven Philadelphia hospital sexual abuse lawyers.