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Lancaster Negligent Security Lawyer

Unfortunately, criminal activities, including violent crimes, occasionally occur in Lancaster. If you or your loved one experienced harm because of a criminal attack or assault, you might be able to file a civil lawsuit against the property owner where the attack took place.

If you believe your attack could have been prevented if the property owner had taken adequate security measures to keep their premises safe, you might be able to seek justice in a premises liability lawsuit against the negligent property owner. A skilled Lancaster negligent security lawyer could guide you through the legal process.

Understanding Negligent Security

Under the theory of premises liability law, property owners have a duty of care to all visitors and guests to keep their property as safe as possible. Owners and other people who manage, care for, or are somehow in charge of a property must take reasonable precautions to protect people who enter their property from suffering foreseeable harm.

The theory of negligent security is a subset of premises liability law, which states that property owners must provide sufficient security measures to protect their visitors and guests from foreseeable crimes. Just as property owners must ensure their front steps are in proper working order so that nobody slips while walking in, they must also have adequate locks on the front door in place to prevent a third-party criminal from entering their building and harming someone inside. If someone experiences an injury from a violent crime, such as a sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, mugging, domestic assault, or mass shooting, while on a property belonging to or managed by someone else, the injured party might have grounds to bring a civil lawsuit.

People should have the right to feel safe in their apartments or when they go to the store to shop. They should not have to worry about a break-in, a criminal assault, or an attack. A compassionate negligent security attorney in Lancaster understands how traumatic this type of event can be and could work tirelessly to fight for justice.

Examples of Negligent Security

Some of the types of security lapses that can lead to criminal activity include:

  • Failure to have adequate lighting in parking lots or in common areas
  • Failure to have adequate locks on doors
  • Failure to have a sufficient number of security guards, such as at a concert or sporting event in an arena or at a bar
  • Lack of call boxes, such as on a college campus
  • Failure to have security cameras

A dedicated negligent security lawyer in Lancaster could investigate the crime and see if the property owner acted reasonably, given the circumstances. For example, our attorneys look to see if the crime occurred in an area with a heavy criminal history and if the property owner should have been aware of this history and taken enhanced measures to protect visitors. We could also look to see what actions other property owners in the area had taken to see if the defendant’s actions fell below the reasonable standard of care.

Contact a Lancaster Negligent Security Attorney About a Claim

Not every property owner or landlord needs to provide the same level of safety measures to their visitors, guests, customers, or tenants. For instance, in areas with very low crimes, landlords do not necessarily need bars on the windows to keep out criminals. However, in places with heavy crimes, property owners need to provide more security measures. Cases involving negligent security are fact-specific. Working with an attorney who is familiar with the local area and understands what is reasonable is critical.

Contact a Lancaster negligent security lawyer today to get started.