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Distracted Driving Truck Accidents in Allentown

When truck drivers take their attention off the road—even for a moment—the consequences can be devastating. A collision with these large vehicles can result in severe injuries and life-altering health complications for all involved.

If you were hurt in a distracted driving truck accident in Allentown, you could be entitled to a monetary award. Your settlement could cover your out-of-pocket costs, physical pain, and other losses. Talk to a dedicated truck crash attorney as soon as possible.

Types of Distractions

The lives of commercial truckers are full of long hours behind the wheel. While it is their duty to pay attention to the task at hand, many truck drivers are prone to distractions on these trips. The rapid growth of mobile device technology has only made it more likely for a driver to lose focus. Some of the distractions that can lead to truck accidents in Allentown include:

Visual Distractions

These issues include anything that causes a truck operator to take their eyes off the road—even for a moment. Conditions can change quickly, especially when vehicles are traveling at high speeds. A driver that looks away for only a few seconds could fail to notice traffic slowing in front of them or a pedestrian stepping into their path. Some examples include reading text messages, looking at in-cab computer screens, or watching videos.

Physical Distractions

Physical—or manual—distractions involve any action that causes a person to remove one or both hands from the wheel while driving. This might include sending a text message, grooming, or reaching for the radio dial. Without a firm grip on the wheel, it can be difficult to quickly respond to changing road conditions.

Mental Distractions

The risk of a crash increases any time a driver loses focus on the task of operating a commercial truck. Even a momentary lapse in judgment can lead to a crash. These distractions might include getting lost in conversation with a passenger or even daydreaming while behind the wheel.

The Deadline to File a Lawsuit

There might be grounds to pursue legal action after a collision with a distracted truck driver in Allentown, but that opportunity will not last forever. The statute of limitations applies to these cases, and they are a major pitfall that can put the injured person’s recovery in jeopardy.

In most cases, a person has two years from the date of the truck crash to file a lawsuit. However, this amount of time is not set in stone. For example, a lawsuit against the government could have a far more limited amount of time to pursue legal action. There are other exceptions that might provide more time to file suit.

A seasoned attorney could help manage these deadlines and navigate the legal system. This starts with identifying the exact date the statute of limitations expires and continues with filing a lawsuit within the time allowed. The right legal team can avoid the consequences of violating the statute of limitations.

Talk to an Attorney in Allentown About a Distracted Driving Truck Accident

If you were hurt in a distracted driving truck accident in Allentown, seeking out legal counsel is an important first step. Your attorney could investigate the nature of the crash, identify evidence that the trucker was not paying attention at the time of the collision, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Call now to learn more.