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Allentown Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Visiting a doctor or another medical professional should be a comfortable experience. State and professional boards closely regulate the actions of their providers, and strict licensing tests are designed to ensure competence when dealing with patients. Sadly, this is not enough to prevent injuries from occurring.

Even so, not every negative outcome after visiting a medical provider amounts to medical malpractice. State law provides a strict test for determining when an outcome is so bad that it justifies a lawsuit. Consulting with an Allentown medical malpractice lawyer could help you determine whether your experience fall into this category. When it does, a personal injury attorney can take the lead in gathering information about the incident, hire expert witnesses, and demand that the medical providers compensate you for their negligence.

How State Law Defines the Concept of Medical Malpractice

Medical providers all have a duty to provide competent care to their patients. State law sets the standard of care that medical providers must offer; that standard is defined as what the medical community considers acceptable and appropriate interactions with a patient in any given circumstance. This means that a poor outcome is not necessarily malpractice if the provider took reasonable steps to help the patient. An Allentown lawyer could help someone understand this core concept of medical malpractice and if it applies to their situation.

Our attorneys have extensive experience helping clients obtain the compensation they need and deserve when they have been injured at Lehigh Valley Hospital, St. Luke’s Hospital, and other major medical facilities in the Lehigh Valley. This has included cases with injuries involving:

  • Birth injuries
  • Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis of cancer
    • Prostate and colon cancer misdiagnosis
    • Breast cancer misdiagnosis
  • Surgical errors and hospital mistakes
  • Medication errors
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Emergency room errors
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Brain damage from birth complication

Locating and Hiring Qualified Expert Witnesses for Medical Malpractice Suits

In most lawsuits, the only way to prove medical malpractice is through the opinion and reports of a qualified medical expert. These expert witnesses review the records of treatment, evaluate the actions of defendant providers, and give their opinion about why this care amounted to medical misconduct.

State law also determines who may serve as an expert witness in a medical malpractice suit. The medical expert must examine the case before the injured person files a complaint in court. Pennsylvania Code § 1042.3 says a complaint must include a “certificate of merit”—this certificate comes from the expert and states there is a good faith reason to believe medical malpractice has occurred. Locating and hiring these key witnesses is another way a medical malpractice attorney in Allentown can help an injured patient.

Pursuing Medical Malpractice Cases for their Full Value

A person who gets injured because of the mistakes of a medical provider deserves the compensation they need to set things right. A doctor or hospital’s error may then require more medical care from a competent provider to treat it. A negligent provider must cover the costs of this care.

These events can also cause harsh emotional traumas. They can leave a person mentally scarred or hesitant to seek out future medical care. A medical malpractice lawyer in Allentown works to place a proper dollar value on these experiences.

Finally, if an injury forces a person to miss time at work or results in a disability that permanently limits their earning capacity, a negligent provider must provide reimbursement for all lost wages.

Contact an Allentown Medical Malpractice Attorney Today To Discuss Your Case

It can be disheartening when medical negligence causes a new injury or condition. Although medical providers must, under state law, provide competent care to their patients, mistakes resulting from a failure to meet this standard are common. When this has happened to you, you may be able to pursue a case for significant compensation.

An Allentown medical malpractice lawyer fights by your side to pursue these payments. We can explain the concept of medical malpractice under the law and hire a qualified expert to prove your case in court. We also work to measure your losses and demand fair compensation from negligent doctors and other providers. Reach out today to get started on your suit.