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What Is Considered A Personal Injury Lawsuit in Pennsylvania?

On behalf of greg

Injuries usually happen unexpectedly, and they can lead to temporary or permanent disabilities for victims. When someone is injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another person, company, or entity, there are various ways that the injured party can recover compensation for their losses. At Soloff & Zervanos, P.C., we want to discuss what a personal injury lawsuit is and when one is necessary to recover compensation.

Most personal injury cases are settled out of court

There are innumerable ways that residents of Philadelphia can suffer injuries caused by the negligence of other people. Some of the most common causes of injuries include:

  • Car accidents
  • Pedestrian and bicycle accidents
  • Commercial trucking accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Medical mistakes
  • Defective products
  • Property owner negligence

The vast majority of personal injury claims are settled through negotiations with insurance carriers or the at-fault party. These settlements will usually take place without the need for a personal injury lawsuit to be filed. To be clear, personal injury claims that are handled through insurance carriers are not considered personal injury lawsuits, but an attorney will still be incredibly beneficial when working to secure maximum compensation.

A Philadelphia personal injury lawsuit may be necessary

It may be the case that a victim of a personal injury needs to file a personal injury lawsuit. This may be necessary if:

  • The insurance carrier of the at-fault party denies a claim
  • The insurance carrier of the at-fault party refuses to offer a fair settlement
  • The insurance policy limits are exhausted, but a victim’s damages are higher than the limits

It is important to remember that insurance carriers are “for-profit” entities. These companies employ skilled insurance claims adjusters and negotiators with the sole goal in mind of lowering the total amount of compensation they payout in a settlement. While this may not seem fair to victims of personal injuries, this is simply the reality.

A skilled personal injury attorney in Philadelphia will have the resources and experience necessary to stand up to aggressive insurance carriers and the at-fault party. An attorney will obtain all evidence necessary to prove liability in order to help their client obtain maximum compensation for an insurance claim or in a lawsuit.

A trial may be necessary

Even after a personal injury lawsuit is filed, the majority of cases will still be settled before they actually go to trial. Attorneys for both sides will continue negotiations as they prepare the case to face a jury, and there will likely be plenty of back and forth concerning settlement offers. However, if an agreement is not reached, a jury trial may be necessary for a personal injury lawsuit.

What kind of compensation is available in a Philadelphia personal injury lawsuit?

If you or somebody you love has sustained an injury that was caused by the negligence actions of another person, there may be various types of compensation available for your claim. While the total amount of damages awarded in these cases will vary depending on the circumstances related to each particular case, the team at Soloff & Zervanos, P.C. is regularly able to help clients recover the following:

  • All medical expenses related to the injury
  • Lost income effect and cannot work
  • Loss of personal enjoyment damages
  • Pain and suffering damages

If you need a personal injury attorney in Philadelphia, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.