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Cherry Hill Bus Accident Attorney

Most bus rides are fairly pleasant, transporting passengers from point A to point B and ending without incident. But that is not always the case. Bus accidents do happen on Pennsylvania’s roadways, and if you are among the unlucky passengers to be involved in a serious bus accident, you have a right to collect damages from the negligent party(s) in your case. Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, and our bus accident attorneys are ready to help you hold the bus operator, bus company, or other negligent parties in your case accountable for your medical bills, lost income, pain, and suffering, and other damages.

How Can a Cherry Hill Bus Accident Attorney Help?

Bus accident claims can be quite complex, and most plaintiffs in these cases do not have the resources that are needed to undertake a full investigation and root out every potentially liable defendant. The big insurance carriers working for the liable parties in your case know this, and they use it to their advantage when they pull out all the stops to try to settle with serious accident claimants for much less than their claims are worth. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, our team has the resources at their disposal to build the best possible case against negligent defendants, ensuring maximum verdicts and awards for our valued clients.

Why Trust Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys?

For more than 25 years, our firm has earned a reputation for our dogged, unyielding yet compassionate representation of our clients and their families. We know that being injured is stressful enough. We work hard to reduce the stress of the claims process by offering our clients:

  • Experience taking on the most complex bus accident and other personal injury claims in Cherry Hill.
  • A team-focused approach to our client’s claims, with multiple legal professionals combining their skills and knowledge to present the strongest possible evidence on your behalf.
  • A track record of recovering millions of dollars for our deserving clients.
  • A history of battling the most aggressive attorneys in the courtroom, including those working for local municipalities and giant insurance carriers.
  • A contingency plan for payment of our services; we only get paid if we recover a verdict or settlement for you.

Who is to Blame in Cherry Hill Bus Accident Claims?

Of the 321 commercial bus and 156 school bus accidents in Pennsylvania in 2020, not all were the fault of the bus operator or other drivers on the roadway. Our Cherry Hill bus accident attorneys strive to discover all responsible parties, which often include the owner or lessee of the bus, the school district, the manufacturer of the bus, or even the manufacturer of parts used to build the bus. The goal of our accident team is to assign blame where it exists and get our clients the compensation that is rightfully due to them.

Discussing Your Case with Our Cherry Hill Bus Accident Attorney

At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys., our team leaves no stone unturned in our efforts to hold the negligent party(s) in your bus accident case responsible for your injuries and damages. Our Cherry Hill bus accident attorney is ready to advocate for you and help you stand up to the big insurance companies and others involved in your case. Schedule a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by giving us a call at 866-597-8572.