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Local: (215)732-2260

Cherry Hill Personal Injury Lawyer

When innocent people suffer injuries because of someone else’s’ carelessness or negligence, the immediate pain and stress of the injury are compounded by feelings of anger. Such injuries could be avoided but for lack of care or attention.

While nothing can turn the clock back on such tragedies, the civil justice system can provide the resources that the injured need to heal and elevate their quality of life as much as possible.

Our attorneys are prepared to put more than a quarter-century of experience to work to obtain the justice and compensation you need and deserve if you or someone close to you has suffered a serious personal injury.

Our attorneys serve clients in the Delaware Valley, Camden County, Cherry Hill Township, and the surrounding areas. With offices throughout the East Coast, we are prepared to work on any personal injury or wrongful death case, including medical malpractice and motor vehicle accidents.

Because Cherry Hill employs thousands of workers, we are prepared to bring our approach to work on job-related injuries, including repetitive stress and ergonomic injuries to the arms, neck, shoulders, and back.

To get in touch and schedule a free consultation to discuss a case with one of our Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers, please call Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys Phones are answered 24 hours a day.