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Cherry Hill Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Potholes in parking lots, wet floors, broken stairs, icy sidewalks, loose carpeting, and faulty handrails. Improperly lit walkways, uneven pavement, and debris on the floor. All of these can cause slip and fall accidents and lead to horrific injuries, some of them so serious that disabilities and lifelong deficits result. Head injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal bleeding, severe lacerations, and broken and/or dislocated bones are not uncommon among slip and fall victims.

Personal injury lawsuits involving slip and fall accidents in Pennsylvania are heard in the civil courts, and there is a time limit that claimants must meet if they are seeking damages from the responsible party. All claims must be filed within a two-year period from when the injury occurred or was discovered. For this reason, it is important to reach out to our Cherry Hill slip and fall accident attorney as soon as possible following your slip and fall incident. Schedule a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.

The Concept of Comparative Negligence

When you file a claim for damages resulting from a slip and fall accident in Pennsylvania, you should be aware of the concept of comparative negligence. This means that if you have some responsibility for your own injuries, then any award that you receive is reduced by the percentage that the courts find you to be responsible. For example, if a jury determines that you are 20 percent at fault for your slip and fall injuries, and you are awarded $100,000, then you award is reduced to $80,000 right off the top.

Lawyers for the other side often argue comparative negligence from various angles in an attempt to reduce the amount of any verdict received. Our seasoned Cherry Hill slip and fall accident attorneys understand the nuances of comparative negligence and can help defend you against accusations that you may have had any responsibility for the injuries sustained.

Compensable Damages

If you slipped and fell because of the negligence or inaction of a landlord, property manager, or property owner, there is a good chance that you have the basis for a personal injury/slip and fall lawsuit. You may be entitled to a mix of compensation. Our team may help you recover:

  • The costs of medical care, including past, present, and future care.
  • Lost wages, including past, present, and future lost income and reduced capacity to earn a living.
  • Damages for pain and suffering.

Let Us Be Your Advocate

Property owners must be held accountable when they allow dangerous conditions to exist and people are injured as a result. If you have been injured, you owe it to yourself to hold the at-fault party in your case accountable. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we are a voice for the injured, and we have a strong track record of seeking maximum recovery for our clients, either by settlement or verdict. Reach out to our Cherry Hill slip and fall accident attorney to schedule your free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.