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Jersey City Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney

We know that the news has been dominated by stories of sexual abuse in various churches, particularly the Catholic Church. However, we know that this problem spans denominations. Nobody, particularly our children, should ever have to worry about being sexually abused by members of the clergy or other members of their religious institution.

The knowledgeable and experienced team at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys is ready to help when you need a Jersey City clergy sexual abuse attorney. We want to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

These Cases Are Horrendous

Sexual abuse of children is always wrong. Unfortunately, we know that it is common across the United States.

  • Did you know that 10% of children experience sexual abuse before they turn 18?
  • Both boys and girls are affected by sexual abuse.

In most cases (90%), the perpetrator of sexual abuse is known by the victim. As we know, in many cases the abuse is done by a member of the clergy.

Why is child sexual abuse common inside of religious institutions?

One reason is that the nature of religious institutions allows for a perpetrator time to groom victims. Often, the grooming process takes place over many years. This can lead to sexual abuse that also lasts for years.

  • Religious settings are inherently trusted, making sexual abuse that much more devastating to victims.

In many cases, the victims of abuse are so young that they do not even understand what is happened to them. For the children who do understand, they are often afraid to speak up. Remember, they likely trust their abuser and do not want to get them in trouble. Often, a victim fears they will be in trouble themselves.

  • In some cases, victims of child sexual abuse do not realize they have been abused until they are adults.

The effect of abuse on survivors is long-lasting. In most cases, victims suffer from serious emotional and psychological problems that require continual counseling. Many victims struggle to find partners or even live their daily lives.

Compensation Funds

Many religious organizations have set up victim’s compensation funds to pay reparations to victims abused at the hands of their leaders and staff members.

Take The First Steps

No parent should ever have to be concerned that a member of the clergy will abuse their children. No child should ever have to experience this kind of abuse. If you discover that this has happened, please seek legal assistance. The knowledgeable and experienced team at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys is ready to get to work on your behalf.

We will tirelessly work to secure compensation for the wrongs that have been done to you. This can include:

  • Compensation for counseling
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages against the abuser and the organization

If we discover that other people played a part in covering up the abuse, we will pursue punitive damages against them as well. If you need a Jersey City sexual abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.