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Local: (215)732-2260

Lancaster Bicycle Accident Attorney

The benefits of getting around Lancaster, PA by riding a bicycle instead of relying on a motor vehicle are numerous. Riding a bicycle is, for example, much more beneficial to both your own health and the environment than driving a car, truck, or other such vehicle may be.

You simply need to be aware that you are uniquely at risk of being harmed in an accident when on a bicycle in Lancaster. Because you don’t have the metal frame of an enclosed vehicle to protect you, if you are harmed in an accident, your chances of sustaining major injuries might be fairly high.

You can minimize your odds of being seriously injured in a bicycle accident by wearing protective gear, obeying the rules of the road, and generally making a point of being aware of your surroundings. That said, you can’t control the decisions nearby motorists will make when driving. You could thus one day be injured while riding a bicycle through no fault of your own.

Contact a lawyer if this happens. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we will review your case for free to determine if you have grounds to seek compensation for your medical bills and other such losses. If you have a valid case and you choose to hire us, our Lancaster, PA bicycle accident attorneys will strive to optimize your chances of recovering proper compensation.

How a Lancaster, PA Bicycle Accident Attorney Can Help You

The injuries you may sustain if you are harmed in a bicycle accident will typically require costly medical treatment. They may also prevent you from working and earning an income. Additionally, they could leave you facing non-economic losses, such as pain and suffering.

You deserve to be compensated accordingly if your accident would not have happened had another part not been unreasonably careless. You can typically seek compensation for your losses by filing a claim to collect from the insurer of the negligent party whose carelessness resulted in you being harmed. The experts at a Lancaster bicycle accident law firm can improve your chances of reaching a fair settlement in the following critical ways:

  • Investigating the accident to gather sufficient evidence proving negligence was a major contributing factor;
  • Determining the extent and severity of your compensable losses and damages;
  • Corresponding with the insurance company on your behalf;
  • Negotiating with insurers who are likely to make low settlement offers when you initially file a claim.

You must prioritize getting the rest and treatment you need after being harmed in a Lancaster bicycle accident. Instead of attempting to recover compensation on your own, which will be fairly difficult if you don’t have professional legal experience, hire an attorney to represent you.

Contact a Lancaster, PA Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

Our team at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys boasts more than 100 years of collective experience providing victims like yourself with aggressive representation. We are thus highly qualified to handle your case. To get started, call us at 215-732-2260 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.