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Philadelphia Commercial Truck Accident Attorney

Commercial trucks play a vital role in ensuring a stable economy for the Philadelphia area. However, these large trucks can also cause severe injuries in the event they are involved in a collision with a traditional passenger vehicle. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we are here to help if you need a Philadelphia commercial truck accident attorney. Our truck crash attorneys have the resources and legal experience necessary to investigate these cases and secure any compensation you may be entitled to.

Commercial Truck Accidents Cause Severe Injuries

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there were more than 7,000 total crashes involving heavy trucks across the Commonwealth during the latest reporting year. Out of these incidents, the DOT reports that many people were injured, and 128 individuals lost their lives.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) says that a fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, far more than traditional passenger vehicles. This weight and size disparity means that drivers and passengers in regular vehicles often sustain severe injuries when collisions occur. This includes:

Causes of Commercial Truck Crashes

The Pennsylvania DOT indicates that the vast majority of primary factors in heavy truck crashes involve vehicle failure, particularly of the tires, wheels, brakes, steering, lighting, and suspension. This often occurs when truck owners or operators fail to properly inspect and maintain their vehicles.

Other causes of truck crashes in the Philadelphia area include the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver. This type of behavior can include:

Time Limit to File a Truck Crash Claim

The injury statute of limitations for Pennsylvania is two years from the day an injury occurs. This means that victims injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver have a two-year window with which to file a lawsuit to recover compensation. Failing to file a claim within this time frame will result in an inability to recover any compensation. A lawyer in Philadelphia could ensure a person files their commercial truck crash claim on time.

Call our Philadelphia Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys For a Free Consultation

When you or someone you care about has sustained an injury in a crash involving a large commercial truck, contact the team at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys for help with your case today. We pledge to conduct a full investigation into the incident so we can secure full compensation for your losses. This can include coverage of:

  • All truck crash-related medical expenses
  • Lost income if you cannot work while recovering
  • Property damage expenses
  • General household out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of personal enjoyment damages

When you need a Philadelphia commercial truck accident lawyer, reach out to our team.