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Reading Sexual Abuse and Assault Lawyer

Sexual abuse is one of the most difficult experiences any person may have to face. Any unwelcome sexual touching or violence can profoundly affect your physical health and emotional well-being. Sexual abuse is a crime, and a sexual abuser can face severe criminal penalties when prosecuted and convicted. Through a civil lawsuit, a sexual abuser may also be required to provide financial compensation to you for their offenses.

A Reading sexual abuse and assault lawyer could help you to pursue a civil case. We work with you to discover evidence of the incident and learn how the event has changed your life. A dedicated attorney can also work to bring information to law enforcement and protect your privacy and legal rights during a criminal investigation and trial.

Experiences That May Justify a Sex Abuse Lawsuit

No statute in Pennsylvania civil law specifically allows for suits as the result of sexual abuse. However, people who have been sexually abused may still bring cases forward by asserting acts took place that contain a sexual component, such as touching someone in any manner without their permission.

A lawyer in Reading could explain the basis for sexual abuse and assault lawsuits in state civil law. We could take the lead in investigating the incident and obtaining the evidence necessary to pursue these cases.

What Is the Time Limit To Pursue a Sex Assault Case?

For most personal injuries, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, Title 42 § 5524 sets out a time limit of two years after the date of an injury to pursue compensation in civil court. Incidents of sexual abuse and assault often have an extended time to pursue compensation, though, because many of these incidents have a component of psychological abuse and involve children. When the abuse occurred while a person was a minor, they have until their 30th birthday to file a claim. A sexual abuse and assault attorney in Reading could help determine the correct time frame for filing a claim.

Sexual Abuse Criminal and Civil Cases

Since all examples of sexual abuse that result in harm are also violations of the Pennsylvania criminal code, a person who has been abused should immediately contact law enforcement and cooperate with police and prosecutors as best they can.

The outcome of a criminal case can significantly affect a related civil demand for compensation: Once the criminal court determines an assault has occurred, the defendant cannot argue the event never took place in a later civil case. As a result, a criminal conviction can be potent evidence of liability in a civil lawsuit. A lawyer in Reading could help determine if the outcome of a sexual abuse and assault criminal case could help support a demand for civil compensation.

Contact a Reading Sexual Abuse and Assault Attorney for Help With a Claim

Incidents of sexual abuse have the potential to change every part of your life, from possible physical injuries and severe mental health impacts to your ability to enjoy life. A sexual abuser has an obligation to provide fair compensation to cover your losses.

A Reading sexual abuse and assault lawyer wants to help you pursue a case. We can handle the details involved in collecting evidence, measuring losses, and following up on any potential criminal prosecution, as well as demand fair payments through settlements and lawsuits. Reach out today, as the time to pursue a case may be running out.