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Reading Slip and Fall Lawyer

Slip and fall accidents can be very serious: landing hard on the ground or another solid surface can break your bones, cause a brain injury, or hurt you in many other ways. When another person or a business puts you in a position to slip and fall, you could get monetary compensation through a personal injury claim.

A skilled Reading slip and fall lawyer could look at your situation and help you figure out what injuries and losses you have experienced and how much you might get in compensation for them. Schedule today to get started.

Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents happen all the time. Sometimes nobody gets hurt; but when someone is seriously injured, it can have a big impact on their health as well as their wallet. If someone slips or falls because of another person’s carelessness or recklessness, that person should have to pay for all the medical expenses and the pain and suffering that they caused.

Slip and fall accidents can happen in a lot of common situations, like when there are:

  • Loose carpets or rugs
  • Dangerous entranceways
  • Protruding nails or objects
  • Balcony or porch collapses
  • Snow and ice accumulations
  • Spills and other melted liquids
  • Defective staircases or uneven floors

These are only some examples of dangerous—but avoidable—situations that could cause someone to slip and fall. A good lawyer in Reading could figure out what caused a slip and fall accident and hold the careless person or business responsible by filing a claim with their insurance company or even filing a lawsuit against them.

Claims Against Stores and Other Businesses

One careless person is often responsible for someone’s slip and fall injuries. At other times, though, a group of people or a business is responsible. This is the situation when a trip and fall accident happens in a retail business like a grocery store. In a situation like this, not only might the store manager and other employees be held responsible, the big corporation that owns the store—or chain of stores— might be held responsible, too.

Filing a claim against a business or a corporation usually means dealing with high-powered lawyers and a big insurance company. These big shots will try to lowball the little guy—or try to get out of paying what they owe altogether. It takes a skilled slip and fall attorney in Reading to look out for the little guy and get them what deserve.

Implications of Premises Liability Laws

Most slip and fall claims are handled under state premises liability laws. For the most part, these laws require an owner or landlord to maintain their property so that their visitors or customers are safe—although how responsible they are depends on who the visitor is. For instance, someone invited onto a property—like a store customer—gets more protection from harm than someone who is not invited, like a trespasser. These distinctions are tricky, though, and best handled by a dedicated attorney.

Slip and Fall Case Filing Deadlines

Almost every slip and fall claim must be filed within two years of when the person got hurt, according to 42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 5524. For help filing your slip and fall claim within the right time period, schedule an appointment with a seasoned attorney in Reading.

Seek the Help of a Reading Slip and Fall Attorney

Getting support from legal counsel is an important first step in a successful trip and fall claim. With help from your attorney, you could prove someone else caused your injuries and your pain and suffering. Together, you could hold that person or business responsible and make them pay. Schedule your appointment with an experienced Reading slip and fall lawyer today.