When an accident causes damage to the nervous system, it can lead to paralysis in various parts of the body. The damage often happens when an accident causes the spinal cord to suffer trauma, and the loss of sensation and movement abilities could be temporary or permanent.
The injuries can have catastrophic effects on your life, and when they happen because of someone else’s thoughtless actions, you have the right to seek financial damages from the liable party. Schedule a meeting with an experienced Allentown paralysis injury lawyer for more information and help with your case. Our catastrophic injury attorneys are ready to protect your right to compensation.
Spinal cord damage is a primary cause of paralysis and can happen in car, motorcycle, pedestrian, and slipping and falling accidents. Some common symptoms include:
Those with paralysis commonly suffer the effects of secondary conditions, including sexual dysfunction, bowel and bladder control problems, and more. An Allentown paralysis injury attorney could answer specific questions about the process and recoverable damages during a consultation.
The area where the trauma happens on the spinal cord plays a significant role in the severity of the injuries and the extent of disabilities. The higher the damage occurs, the more movement limitations. There are two primary types of paralysis:
Incomplete spinal cord injuries happen when the spinal cord suffers trauma that partially damages the organ, allowing some messaging from the brain and nerve cells to get through. That means the individual will retain some sensation and movement abilities below the point of the damage.
Complete injuries cause the individual to lose all functional abilities and total loss of sensation in the area below the damage to the spinal cord. Those with a debilitating disability will require help completing daily activities, such as cooking and getting dressed.
The type of paralysis a person sustains could affect the compensation an Allentown attorney seeks.
The civil court awards compensation covering out-of-pocket, intangible, and non-monetary damages. The reimbursement amount depends on the severity of the injuries and losses and how the disability will affect the person’s life in the future. Because paralysis injuries can be catastrophic, the award for damages can be substantial. Pennsylvania Compiled Statutes 42 § 8528 provides that recoverable damages are as follows:
A paralysis injury lawyer in Allentown could collect the evidence needed to establish the extent of damages and collect a fair award amount.
Suffering severe injuries in an accident that lead to long-term and permanent disabilities can devastate you and your family. When the accident results from carelessness, the aftermath can be overwhelming.
You could be eligible for compensation to cover your monetary damages and losses when the negligence of another party caused you or someone you love to sustain harm. Meet with a practiced Allentown paralysis injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.