Insurance companies are in the business to earn a profit, so they are not going to hand out money to anyone who files a claim. In fact, they often use a tiny snag or mix-up as an excuse to deny your claim. This is why it is so important to know what your car insurance policy says.
Reading through your insurance policy is no easy task, but having a lawyer on board will help to make everything clear. With an in-depth understanding of your automobile insurance policy, you can avoid any unintentional lapses in coverage.
Your car insurance policy is packed with defined conditions that you must follow if you want full coverage. Failure to fully comply with those conditions can restrict your rights under the policy, reduce or eliminate your coverage, and potentially compromise your access to compensation after an accident.
You may have unintentionally limited your rights in your automobile insurance policy if you:
If you have found yourself in one of the situations described above, you may still have options, but it is critical to act immediately and contact a legal advisor.
Insurance companies are established to bring money to their own pockets, not yours, and despite the many attractive slogans about protecting clients, they will always prioritize the company. Conversely, a licensed attorney is bound purely to represent you and your best interests so that you can breathe comfortably. Your attorney will do a comprehensive review of your policy and ensure you understand and appreciate the fine print of your policy. They can also help fight the insurance company who has wrongfully denied your claim and can maximize the settlement amount of a successful claim instead of accepting the insurance company’s initial, usually very low, payout number.
Automobile insurance policies are intended to protect you in the event of an accident, but misunderstanding your policy and mistakenly violating its terms can severely limit your rights. To avoid this, review your policy carefully, quickly notify your insurance company in the event of an accident, and consult with an attorney if your insurance company is denying coverage. Call our firm for help securing compensation after an accident.