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Category: Child Abuse

On behalf of greg On Tuesday, May 5, 2020.

While most of the country has been focused on flattening the curve on COVID-19 cases and deaths, many children are having to worry about something entirely different – sexual abuse in their own homes. As most of the country has been under some sort of “stay at home” order due to the coronavirus, the Rape, […]

On behalf of greg On Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

An explosive new documentary that aired on Oxygen about the Jehovah’s Witnesses has alleged that they have been covering up instances and allegations of child sex abuse for over three decades. There are now grand jury investigations looking into some aspects of these abuses, but we are likely just seeing the tip of the iceberg […]

On behalf of greg On Saturday, February 15, 2020.

To go against the word of the Jehovah’s Witness organization would be like going against God’s word. At least, that is what has kept many people within the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization from reporting instances of child sex abuse. A new documentary on Oxygen has revealed that the Jehovah’s Witnesses have likely been hiding instances of […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, February 13, 2020.

Sometimes it takes an explosive investigation to go viral for the government to react and open an investigation into sexual abuse allegations. While the state of Pennsylvania has declined to comment on whether there is a grand jury investigation into the Jehovah’s Witnesses, it would not be surprising. As we have recently learned, the Witnesses […]

On behalf of greg On Saturday, April 20, 2019.

We are learning that the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is revoking the license of Glen Mills, an all-boys school in Philadelphia. The revocation comes after a lengthy investigation. A DHS spokesperson cited “gross incompetence, negligence, and misconduct in operating the facilities,” and “mistreatment and abuse of children in care.” This move comes after […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

Help for Child Sex Abuse Survivors For too many years, too many victims of child sexual abuse have been barred from bringing claims because too much time has passed. New York has had a statute of limitations in place that disallowed adult survivors of child sexual abuse to bring legal action against their abusers after […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, February 22, 2017.

The Jehovah’s Witness Church settled a lawsuit brought by a victim of child sexual. The victim was represented by Jeffrey P. Fritz of our office. The terms of the confidential settlement cannot be disclosed, but the victim alleged that the church elders in her congregation intentionally did not report the child sexual abuse to the […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, August 17, 2016.

The Penn State scandal that erupted back in 2012 was a heartbreaking, upsetting story. The allegations against Jerry Sandusky involved sexual abuse against children. According to, Sandusky is “seeking to overturn his conviction, claiming defense lawyers bungled the 2012 trial in which he was found guilty of sexually abusing 10 boys and sentenced to at […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, May 20, 2016.

We have written many times about the institutional failings that have allowed for the widespread sex abuse of children by Catholic priests and other church officials. Even if sex abuse was limited to just a handful of priests (which is not the case), some of these predators have abused dozens of victims. Such crimes can […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, April 22, 2016.

We recently wrote about the strong passage of House Bill 1947 in the Pennsylvania House. If passed in the Senate and signed into law, the measure would give many more victims of child sex abuse an opportunity to hold their abusers (and the institutions they worked for) accountable in criminal and civil court. In the […]