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Category: Drunk Driving

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, October 12, 2022.

Most of us understand that attempting to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is very unsafe. Even if you believe you’re able to drive without causing an accident, the fact remains that alcohol and drugs significantly increase your chances of harming yourself, harming others, or both. Many responsible motorists […]

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On behalf of greg On Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

Imagine one moment feeling comfortable and secure while relaxing in your home, and the next moment unexpected disaster strikes – a vehicle comes flying through the front of your house … That’s what happened in February of this year when an intoxicated off-duty Philadelphia police officer crashed his car through the front of a house, […]

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On behalf of greg On Tuesday, May 2, 2017.

On your way from a dinner meeting for work, you are slammed into by a drunk driver. You can smell the alcohol coming from the other person’s vehicle. You call 911. Police agree with you about the other driver being is intoxicated. You eventually find out that the person had a blood-alcohol concentration that was […]

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On behalf of greg On Friday, December 20, 2013.

In 2010, a member of an East Stroudsburg bar’s softball team was celebrating with his teammates and friends. The bartender, a friend, was giving him some free shots. Knowing he had to drive later, he asked to switch over to seltzer water. It was still early, though, so the bartender promised to drive him home […]

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