The law of Pennsylvania no longer follows the one-bite rule, which used to apply when a person sued the owner of a domesticated animal (often a dog) for bite injuries. In the past, the court required an injured person to prove the dog’s owner had, or should have had, knowledge of the dog biting someone […]
Even the most loving and genuinely docile dog can become dangerous under the right circumstances, and unfortunately, many Pennsylvanians have found this out the hard way. The Commonwealth ranks fifth among all states when it comes to the number of dog bite claims within its borders for 2020, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). […]
Tragedies involving dogs seem to occur way too often. They can be unpredictable and anxiety-inducing. Last month, in Elizabeth, New Jersey the worst possible outcome concerning dog attacks happened when a three-year-old fell from an opened window into his backyard where the family pit bulls mauled him to death. Dog attacks are the last thing […]