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Year: 2016

On behalf of greg On Friday, January 15, 2016.

Medical malpractice can refer to a range of different types of medical mistakes and medical negligence including misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, surgical and anesthesia errors and medication errors. Medications are able to do significant good when they are properly administered, however, when medication is improperly prescribed or administered, the results can be serious. Medication errors, […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, January 7, 2016.

It’s all but impossible to avoid the seemingly constant reports of people being injured or killed due to an issue with a defect in an automobile. A large portion of these has had to do with a faulty air bag manufactured by Takata. While many dangerous products can cause consumer injuries, mistakes made when building […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

One of the factors that often work against victims of sexual abuse is delayed reporting. Victims who were abused as children sometimes stay silent for years before finally coming forward. In both criminal and civil trials, jurors are sometimes confused or skeptical when they hear that the alleged victim took so long to report the […]