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Year: 2019

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, January 30, 2019.

Help for Child Sex Abuse Survivors For too many years, too many victims of child sexual abuse have been barred from bringing claims because too much time has passed. New York has had a statute of limitations in place that disallowed adult survivors of child sexual abuse to bring legal action against their abusers after […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, January 23, 2019.

We shouldn’t have to remind you to avoid getting into a car crash. But just look around at the other motorists you’re sharing the road with. They are looking at their cellphones, speeding, swerving through lanes of traffic, tailgating, driving drunk, getting distracted – and basically doing anything and everything that common sense says not […]

On behalf of greg On Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

Certain medications can result in birth defects in babies. For this reason, physicians must take great care whenever prescribing medications to a pregnant soon-to-be mother. In most cases, a birth defect case related to medication will target the treating physician, pharmacist or drug company responsible for providing or prescribing the damaging medication to the mother […]