A recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that fatal traffic accidents rose by 8 percent in the first half of 2015. This has led to the administrator of the NHTSA to try and develop ways to lower the number of human errors that are a cause of these accidents.
According to the NHTSA, one reason for the increase may be an increase in driving in general. Spurred on by lower gas prices and a healthier economy, the number of miles traveled by American drivers went up 3.5 percent in the first half of the year, compared to the same time period in 2014.
In addition, a greater number of teens are driving, meaning more inexperienced drivers are on the roads. Drunk driving is a constant danger. Texting and driving is a common distraction.
According to research, 94 percent of accidents are due to decisions drivers make. In 2014, distracted drivers were deemed to be responsible for 10 percent of the nearly 33,000 traffic fatalities. In 2014, fewer people were driving due to various factors. This, in part, led to the 25 percent reduction in fatal crashes over the past 10 years. For every million miles driven in 2014, there were 1.07 fatalities. In 2015, the numbers are increasing by more than 4 percent.
Those who have been injured in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence may seek compensation for their damages through a personal injury lawsuit. The damages from motor vehicle accidents can be considerable, including massive medical costs, the inability to work, or even the need to move on without a loved one. Those who have been affected by an accident need to speak to a legal professional experienced in seeking compensation after injury and wrongful death incident as soon as possible.
Source: ABC News, US Traffic Deaths Rise Sharply After Small Decline in 2014, Tom Krisher, Nov. 24, 2015