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Car Accident Involving Drunk Driver Leaves All Parties Injured

Posted in Car Accidents on Friday, March 11, 2016.

Drunk driving is a problem that government entities and law enforcement agencies attempt to tackle on a daily basis, and yet the impact of those efforts can sometimes seem minimal. The problem isn’t just about the added criminal cases in an already overly burdened justice system; drunk drivers present a serious danger on the roadways of Philadelphia, both to themselves and to others.

For instance, a recent report detailed a car accident that preliminary investigations conclude was caused by a drunk driver. In fact, the victims of the crash were three Philadelphia police officers. The reports indicate that the officers, two in a patrol wagon and another in a patrol car, were parked next to each other when a sports utility vehicle driven by a 58-year-old man slammed into the patrol wagon. As a result of that collision, the patrol wagon smashed into the patrol car. Everyone involved reportedly suffered injuries and were transported to a hospital for medical care.

The reports indicate that the 58-year-old driver of the SUV was charged with drunk driving. But, beyond his criminal case, the drunk driver may also face potential personal injury cases due to the injuries he caused the crash victims to suffer. Although the reports indicate that the officers’ injuries were most likely minor, the victims are still likely to accumulate charges for medical expenses. And, if there are any lingering effects from the injuries, subsequent medical care could be needed.

Drunk drivers are on the roads of Philadelphia, and all other drivers and passengers should be on the lookout. But, if an accident does occur, the victims of a drunk driving crash may have legal options.

Source:, “Police: Crash with suspected DUI driver injures 3 officers,” March 6, 2016