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Distracted Driving The Cause Of Philadelphia Crash

Posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

A Philadelphia multi-car crash appeared to be the result of one distracted driver. The woman was apparently watching police officers assist a disabled motorist and was not paying attention to the traffic directly ahead of her. By the time she noticed what was occurring, she was traveling too fast for her car to stop in time to prevent a car accident.

The car that the woman driver was operating rear-ended a car directly in front of her, and that vehicle subsequently was pushed into another car. The woman has since been charged with driving at an unsafe speed. It’s unknown what sorts of injuries other individuals involved sustained.

Though these sorts of accidents do not make the news as do drunken driving crashes, these types of stories remain newsworthy. The consequences of distracted driving are often deadly, and the numbers of instances that such accidents occur will likely only increase so long as the problem is not taken seriously.

There are too many circumstances of telephone logs showing a driver texting and responding to other texts before being involved in a fatal crash. Drivers while texting frequently rear end other motor vehicles, run red lights and remain unaware of the presence of pedestrians, children crossing the road and motorcycle riders.

There are attorneys whose practice area focuses on investigating and litigating motor vehicle accidents. These attorneys not only can work on reconstructing the motorcycle accident, they can also calculate what sorts of compensation the injured party and family may be eligible in receiving. The injuries that occur in rear-end crashes to the neck and back are often permanent.

Source: Hellertown-Lower Saucon Patch, “Distracted Driver Causes 3-Car Accident, Police Say,” May 25, 2013