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Philadelphia Personal Injury Blog

On behalf of greg On Friday, April 11, 2014.

In the course of operating on patients, surgeons, nurses and other health-care personnel are supposed to follow strict procedures to ensure the safety of every surgery patient. Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania, like elsewhere in the country, too many surgical errors have been committed by health-care professionals despite their best intentions. These errors too often harm patients […]

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, April 9, 2014.

Attorney Jeffrey Fritz of Soloff & Zervanos, along with co-counsel Ben Andreozzi of Harrisburg, represented multiple victims of Jerry Sandusky and find the statements made by his wife on the “Today” show interview by Matt Lauer on March 12, 2014 utterly false and misleading. Please read Ms. Trout’s opinion for some insight into why Ms. Sandusky would even […]

On behalf of greg On Tuesday, April 8, 2014.

The effects of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal continue to be felt throughout Pennsylvania. In light of the overwhelming number of victims who came forward, it came as little surprise that Sandusky was convicted and given a harsh sentence. A jury found Sandusky guilty on 45 counts of sexual abuse involving at least 10 boys over […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, April 3, 2014.

Although most Pennsylvania residents think news about traffic accidents almost always means a car was involved, some accidents actually involve much larger vehicles such as buses and trucks. Because so many cars populate public roads and highways, however, cars are very frequently often involved in collisions with other types of vehicles. The causes of accidents […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, April 3, 2014.

It is sometimes overwhelming to hear stories that remind us of just how much evil exists in this world. This is one of many reasons why crimes committed against children must be punished. As a society, we need to see that justice is real and that the justice system works. Sadly, news outlets across the […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 28, 2014.

Parents send their children to school under the assumption that faculty and staff will take measures to keep students safe. Unfortunately, school officials don’t always uphold their responsibility and students can be seriously hurt. According to a recent report, multiple students were involved in an assault at a Philadelphia elementary school. Police was called to […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 28, 2014.

Nursing homes or personal care homes are located all across Pennsylvania, providing care mostly to the elderly. Here in Philadelphia, local readers, whose loved ones live in a nursing home, expect that the nursing home workers and staff will provide the best quality of care for their loved ones. However, that is not always the […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 21, 2014.

In certain cases, it is not always easy to define whether sex between two people was truly consensual. In cases of adults having sex with minors, the law makes clear that minors below a certain age cannot legally give consent. In most of the U.S. the age of consent is between 16 and 18 years […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, March 20, 2014.

The purpose of workers compensation in any state, including Pennsylvania, is to provide benefits to workers who sustain injuries in the performance of their work duties. Workers’ comp typically covers medical expenses and lost wages, allowing workers to recover without financial worries so they can rejoin the workforce. Recently, a gas explosion and subsequent fire in […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 14, 2014.

The Jerry Sandusky scandal is still fresh in the minds of most Pennsylvanians. With Sandusky now in prison and most victim lawsuits settled or otherwise resolved, the focus now turns to the former Penn State officials who allegedly failed to intervene after receiving disturbing accounts of Sandusky sexually abusing at least one of his victims. Those accounts […]