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Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney at Your First Meeting

Posted in Personal Injury, Uncategorized on Friday, August 23, 2024.

Getting seriously injured in an accident that was not your fault can cause severe physical, financial, and personal losses. Pursuing civil compensation for these losses through a lawsuit or settlement demand is a serious matter with high stakes and not something you should take lightly at any stage of the litigation process.

It is important to make sure you are hiring the right attorney who will work tirelessly and effectively to get you the restitution you deserve. Here are some questions to ask your personal injury attorney at your first meeting that will give you a better idea of who they are and whether they are someone you should trust with your case.

What Experience Do You Have with Cases Like Mine?

Plenty of personal injury attorneys have a long track record of settlements and court verdicts they have achieved on behalf of previous clients, but not all of them have gotten good results for people injured in the way you have been. Asking this question can get you information about how a particular lawyer will handle your case and also how likely it is to end in a settlement or go all the way to trial.

Where Can I Read Testimonials from Past Clients?

While past case results are crucial when deciding which personal injury lawyer to entrust your case to, it can be just as important to have examples from past clients of their experience with a particular attorney. Many attorneys have testimonials and reviews from former clients on their websites already, but it can also be helpful to ask for this kind of information in person.

Who Specifically Would Be Handling My Case?

Your personal injury case will have a huge impact on your long-term financial security, which means you do not want it to be dumped off on a subordinate once you get a law firm involved. Ideally, you want an attorney with the time and dedication needed to get you the best result possible.

What Problems Do You See My Case Running Into?

No legal case is airtight, and no lawsuit will proceed smoothly from start to finish. Even a short appraisal of possible obstacles in your case and how an attorney will navigate around them can be key information to have when deciding who to hire.

What Is Your Fee Structure?

Finally, you should know in advance how much a lawyer’s services will cost you and also how and when a particular lawyer will bill you. Some attorneys work on contingency and do not charge clients anything unless they win, while others ask for upfront payment. While neither approach is necessarily better than the other, you will want to know what to expect before retaining a specific lawyer.

Contact our firm to discuss your case and legal options. We will work to secure the compensation you deserve.