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The Role of Electrocutions in Workers’ Law

Posted in Construction Accident on Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

Workers’ compensation is a tricky area of law as there are many actors involved in an incident resulting in an injury or death of a worker. Some of those parties include the worker as an individual, the construction site, bosses and supervisors, health and safety technicians, and the company carrying out the construction project.

In any case, it must be determined who is liable for an injury or death of a worker. This is especially true for construction as it is one of the most dangerous areas of work that exists in modern society. Such complexity requires professional help. Reach out to an Allentown construction injury attorney at Soloff & Zervanos, P.C. today to learn more about the compensation you may be entitled to after a serious injury while on the job.

Electrocutions in Numbers

Electrical injuries are some of the most common that exist in the industry of construction today. From electricians to foremen, powerline installers to plumbers, and carpenters to roofers – many different job titles may suffer the harmful results of an electrical shock while at the workplace.

According to a study done by the Electrical Safety Foundation International (EFSI) on data drawn from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, also known as BLS, there are three main categories of ways that workers come into contact with electric currents.

  • 44% of all injuries: Physical contact with a power line.
  • 27% of all injuries: Contact with electrical components such as transformers or wiring.
  • 17% of all injuries: Shock via the electrical current of a tool, machine, or light fixture.

The Role of Negligence in Cases of Electrocutions in Pennsylvania

More often than not, these incidents are the direct result of negligence. This is more common than most people tend to think, initially placing the blame on the fault of the employee. Regardless, improper design, faulty equipment, negligent operation by a colleague, and failure by the company to properly maintain electrical equipment or common ways that construction workers fall victim to electrocutions resulting in injury or death.

Another commonly cited reason for electrocutions is the ignorance of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA, workplace safety standards. This federal agency is known for setting the most up-to-date rules and regulations that are designed to protect the health and well-being of workers across all industries. However, many companies fail to take these standards seriously resulting in the death or injury of their employees. This is unfortunately quite common, especially in the world of construction meaning that you or your colleagues may be at risk. In any case, attorneys will always work to prove liability in a case involving workplace electrocution.

Proving Construction Injury Liability in Allentown

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to contact a construction injury attorney. These professionals have seen cases involving electrocutions for years, serving the mid-Atlantic and the employees that keep it running relentlessly. Reach out to one of our Allentown construction injury attorneys at Soloff & Zervanos, P.C. at 215-732-2260 or by clicking here to learn more about your rights as a worker and recover compensation for your losses today.