While most of the country has been focused on flattening the curve on COVID-19 cases and deaths, many children are having to worry about something entirely different – sexual abuse in their own homes. As most of the country has been under some sort of “stay at home” order due to the coronavirus, the Rape, […]
Sometimes it takes an explosive investigation to go viral for the government to react and open an investigation into sexual abuse allegations. While the state of Pennsylvania has declined to comment on whether there is a grand jury investigation into the Jehovah’s Witnesses, it would not be surprising. As we have recently learned, the Witnesses […]
Evidence has been uncovered exposing the lengths to which the leadership of Jehovah’s Witness has gone to cover-up allegations of child abuse within their church. Please read this article detailing some of the hardships imposed on victims of child abuse because of these institutional practices: https://www.revealnews.org/article/5-hardships-faced-by-victims-of-jehovahs-witnesses-sexual-abuse/
Parents have a fierce protective instinct when it comes to their own children. It is what wakes us in the middle of the night at the slightest noise. It is what causes us to lose our cool when we hear that our child may have been bullied. It is the force behind those apocryphal stories […]
Few victims of child sexual abuse have the courage to testify against their abusers in the courtroom, nor can they be expected to. The feelings of shame and violation are already too much for many young victims to handle; which is often why victims may repress these traumatic memories well into adulthood. Sadly, this often […]
The internet and social media have given each of us a platform to express ourselves publicly if we so choose. In many cases, this platform is used for less-than-noteworthy purposes by average Americans looking for their 15 minutes of fame. But there are times when social media allows individuals to share with the world dark […]
Many of our posts in recent months have focused on the ongoing clergy sexual abuse scandals in Philadelphia and other parts of the state. Sadly, the disturbing and frequent incidents of child sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by priests are a problem that spreads far beyond the borders of Pennsylvania. So too, are the alleged cover-ups […]
In matters of child sexual abuse, silence breeds shame, fear and anger. Conversely, victims who break the silence by reporting what has happened to them are often able to heal and to help other victims come forward. When former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was charged and ultimately convicted of sexually abusing dozens […]
Sex crimes against children are considered to be among the most reprehensible transgressions a person can make. Such offenses are judged as beyond the pale even by other criminals. It is telling that inmates convicted of child sexual abuse must often be kept separate from other inmates for their own protection. A recent incident making international news […]
For the last few decades, safety advocates have been trying to warn kids about “stranger danger.” Children are warned that they should never talk to or accept rides/candy from an adult they don’t know. These well-meaning warnings are an effort to prevent child abductions and child sex abuse. While this is good advice, it ignores […]