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Tag: Philadelphia Birth Injury Attorney

On behalf of greg On Tuesday, January 22, 2019.

Certain medications can result in birth defects in babies. For this reason, physicians must take great care whenever prescribing medications to a pregnant soon-to-be mother. In most cases, a birth defect case related to medication will target the treating physician, pharmacist or drug company responsible for providing or prescribing the damaging medication to the mother […]

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On behalf of greg On Monday, October 29, 2018.

No mother expects her child to be born with a serious medical condition, but the birthing process can be rough on babies at times — and a birth injury could be unavoidable. In other situations, however, a birth injury is entirely avoidable. When doctors detect the possibility of a birth injury during labor, they need […]

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On behalf of greg On Wednesday, September 26, 2018.

When something goes wrong during the birthing process, babies can suffer serious injuries. Although birth injuries can happen naturally due to no one’s fault, sometimes they happen because a doctor, medical staff or a medical facility committed negligence. Because injured babies and their parents may be able to pursue financial compensation in court, it’s important […]

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On behalf of greg On Tuesday, March 6, 2018.

Most babies survive pregnancy and the birthing process injury-free. However, in rare cases a baby will develop a problem — either during pregnancy or birth — that results in a lifelong disability. One such birth injury is known as Erb’s palsy. Also known as brachial palsy, this birth injury happens in approximately one out of 1,000 […]

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On behalf of greg On Wednesday, November 29, 2017.

If your baby suffers a birth injury or birth defect, your primary concern will be to get your baby the medical care that he or she needs to get better. However, this medical care can be expensive and difficult — if not impossible — for a new mother to afford. As such, many mothers who […]

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On behalf of greg On Wednesday, April 1, 2015.

Children are a gift, not just to their parents, but also to their entire family. Unfortunately, there are times in which a doctor’s error during the delivery process causes a birth injury. In fact, in the United States, approximately five births out of every 1,000 will result in a birth injury. With this in mind, […]

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