Doctors and other medical professionals are assumed to be the experts when it comes to injuries and illnesses and prescribing the medications that we may need in order to heal. Most of us only have a very basic understanding of what a particular medication may do and we rely on the expertise of medical professionals […]
Medical malpractice can refer to a range of different types of medical mistakes and medical negligence including misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, surgical and anesthesia errors and medication errors. Medications are able to do significant good when they are properly administered, however, when medication is improperly prescribed or administered, the results can be serious. Medication errors, […]
Medication errors are an all too common reality that many unsuspecting residents of Philadelphia face. Simply put, a medication error can be described as an event or series of cascading events that directly results in a patient inappropriately ingesting medication that results in harming rather than helping the patient. According to statistics supplied by the […]