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Tag: surgical errors

On behalf of greg On Friday, May 23, 2014.

Most Americans, including those in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, believe that the relationship between patients and their health care providers is built over a strong foundation of trust. Patients know that whenever they feel something wrong with their health, they can always rely on their doctors and other health care providers. However, numerous cases of surgical […]

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On behalf of greg On Friday, April 11, 2014.

In the course of operating on patients, surgeons, nurses and other health-care personnel are supposed to follow strict procedures to ensure the safety of every surgery patient. Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania, like elsewhere in the country, too many surgical errors have been committed by health-care professionals despite their best intentions. These errors too often harm patients […]

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On behalf of greg On Friday, July 12, 2013.

As opposed to the risks associated with a planned gallbladder surgery, a study has found a correlation between emergency gallbladder surgeries and post-surgical complications. Surgery at night and being an older male were also associated with certain surgical errors and complications. Data was gathered from nearly 600 gallbladder surgeries performed at one large city hospital. The study […]

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