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What Is The ‘The Conspiracy Of Silence’?

Posted in Medical Malpractice on Friday, July 8, 2016.

Have you heard of the so-called “Conspiracy of Silence”? It’s something that is often brought up in medical malpractice cases, and it can be a significant hurdle to overcome when trying to prove fault or show that negligence existed in a case.

Essentially, if you think a doctor did not provide care that was up to the accepted standard of care in the medical community, and if you were injured as a result, you can then sue the doctor for causing the injury. Though nothing was done on purpose to harm you, the doctor needed to provide better care because that was what you expected of him or her and what was expected in the doctor’s profession.

To show the court that the standard of care was not met, you may want to bring in another physician who is an expert in that particular field. That expert can then tell the court what he or she would have done and what the offending doctor should have done. This can show that what the doctor did was not adequate and you can win the case.

This sounds simple, but doctors sometimes do not want to testify against others within the medical profession. They may stay silent or refuse to say what they really think. Many of these doctors know one another and may have worked together on papers or at conferences, and they’ll look out for each other — even if that hurts your case. This is known as the “Conspiracy of Silence“.

When facing challenges like this, it’s crucial to know what legal options you have to get the compensation you deserve in Pennsylvania.