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Why You Definitely Can Afford A Personal Injury Attorney

Posted in Personal Injury on Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

Although it’s not a subject many people like to think about, being injured in an accident can occur virtually anywhere and at any time. On the road, you know there is always the possibility of being involved in a motor vehicle collision. However, even if you’re simply enjoying a relaxing day visiting a store, park, or someone else’s home, you could still be harmed in a slip and fall or similar accident.

This is not meant to frighten you. It’s simply meant to remind you of the importance of exercising basic caution in any situation or place.

You might already do so. That said, even if you strive to avoid accidents, there’s still a chance you may one day be injured in an accident resulting from the negligence of another party.

Maybe this has recently happened to you. If so, your accident might have left you facing such challenges as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

You could potentially recover financial compensation for these losses by filing a claim to collect from the insurance of the negligent party who caused your accident.

(In some instances, such as a car accident in a “no-fault” state like Pennsylvania, your own insurance may be responsible for compensating you, even if the accident was someone else’s fault.)

Just be aware that recovering what you are owed can be challenging if you attempt to represent yourself. Insurance companies are motivated to protect their profits, not to pay claimants fairly. If you don’t present sufficient evidence showing you deserve financial compensation for your medical bills and related losses, an insurance company may deny your claim altogether. When it’s impossible for an insurer to deny your claim, they will still make an effort to settle for as little money as possible.

Research has shown that claimants who represent themselves are less likely to arrive at settlements than claimants who hire personal injury attorneys. Even when claimants who represent themselves do arrive at settlements, those settlements are often much lower than what they would have recovered if they had legal representation.

Can I Afford a Personal Injury Attorney?

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is a very wise decision when you have been injured as a result of someone’s negligence. Regardless, you might be hesitant to do so for an understandable reason: you’re not sure you can afford an attorney.

This is natural. When you’re already struggling to pay medical bills while also potentially dealing with lost wages because your injuries have kept you from working, you don’t want to add to your financial burdens.

That’s not something you need to worry about when you hire a personal injury attorney at Soloff & Zervanos, P.C. handling Pennsylvania and New Jersey personal injury cases. We will review your case for free to let you know whether you have grounds to proceed with a claim or lawsuit.

We will also enter into a contingency fee agreement with you if you decide to hire us. With this type of agreement, our fee is a percentage of the compensation we recover for you. That means you don’t pay anything unless you win your case.

Yes, you can afford a personal injury attorney. Hiring one can dramatically boost your chances of arriving at a fair settlement. Get started by contacting our offices online or calling us at 215-732-2260 to schedule your free consultation.