When children are sexually abused by adults who are supposed to be loving and trustworthy, the experiences are more than traumatic. Often, victims are left feeling alone and isolated. They feel that no one can understand what they have gone through and that no one will even believe their accusations. This is especially the case when the alleged abuser works for and is protected by a larger organization: A church, a hospital, a school or a university.
It is important to understand, however, that no victim needs to suffer alone. In addition to victim advocacy groups and other resources, there are dedicated and compassionate attorneys who devote most of their practice to seeking justice for victims of sexual abuse and other crimes. This group includes the attorneys at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys
The Jerry Sandusky scandal was among the highest-profile sex abuse cases not just in Pennsylvania, but the United States as a whole. One of our firm’s attorneys, Jeffrey P. Fritz, represented several of Sandusky’s victims and helped them obtain fair settlements in the lawsuit against Penn State University.
Attorneys who frequently represent victims of sexual abuse and other crimes understand what their clients are looking for legally and personally. Our attorneys are ready and willing to take on major institutions that have negligently allowed one or more of their employees to sexually abuse children. And we are ready to keep fighting until abuse victims receive the full compensation they deserve.
At the same time, we understand our clients’ needs for compassion and public anonymity. Intense public scrutiny can result in re-victimization and undue stress. We take the time to listen to clients, sympathize with what they have gone through and fight for their rights while protecting their anonymity whenever possible.
The news article cited below includes quotes from attorney Jeffrey P. Fritz. It is just one of many examples showing that we know how to discuss cases with the media in ways that are productive, tactful and respectful of our clients.
Sexual abuse victims do not need to and should not suffer alone. If you want to learn more about how the attorneys at Soloff & Zervanos may be able to help you, please visit the sexual abuse victim representation pages on our website.
Source: The Morning Call, “Penn State settlement talks with Sandusky victims enter ‘delicate’ stage,” Peter Hall, Feb. 13, 2013