In the course of operating on patients, surgeons, nurses and other health-care personnel are supposed to follow strict procedures to ensure the safety of every surgery patient. Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania, like elsewhere in the country, too many surgical errors have been committed by health-care professionals despite their best intentions. These errors too often harm patients […]
Many residents of Philadelphia are aware that cancer can be a fatal disease and treating it requires expert analysis and precise medical treatments. They also believe that when they enter a hospital for a serious surgical procedure, their doctor will give them the highest level of professional care. Unfortunately, one New Jersey woman believes that […]
Few people, including Pennsylvanians, look forward to a hospital stay. If it means medical treatment that will improve their own or a loved one’s well-being, however, they are more willing to accept a stay if they feel the hospital and medical staff are qualified and competent. Unfortunately, time in the hospital can have negative results […]
On May 11, a 26-year-old woman graduated from medical school. On May 29, she died of a brain hemorrhage at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, where she was set to begin her first year of residency. Tragically, she could have been saved. When she first came for treatment, the blood clot that took her life […]
There are a variety of reasons that a doctor in Pennsylvania may not report another doctor’s error to a patient or administrative staff. These reasons may include being worried about a hostile reaction from the physician who made the error, fear of reprisal or an inability to gather all the information regarding a patient’s treatment. […]
Patients in hospitals in Pennsylvania and around the nation may have cause to be concerned about their potential risk of infection. According to statements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), medical professionals have not always followed recommended procedures regarding the safe use of syringes […]
As opposed to the risks associated with a planned gallbladder surgery, a study has found a correlation between emergency gallbladder surgeries and post-surgical complications. Surgery at night and being an older male were also associated with certain surgical errors and complications. Data was gathered from nearly 600 gallbladder surgeries performed at one large city hospital. The study […]
It has been reported that medical malpractice cases in Pennsylvania have been declining in recent years. The number of cases has declined by approximately ten percent in 2012 from the previous year. Our state has also seen a decline in the number of cases since 2002 just prior to Pennsylvania implementing a number of changes […]