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Construction Accident Takes A Life

Posted in Construction Accident on Saturday, April 27, 2019.

Construction workers have an incredibly tough job. When they go to work each day, they should be able to expect that their workplace is as safe as possible. Construction companies have a duty to keep their workers safe.

However, as we have learned recently through a string of tragic construction accidents, the industry has many risks. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we are here to help if you or a loved one are injured due to another person’s negligence. When you need a construction injury attorney, contact us today.

What Is Going On?

We are learning that for the third time in a week, a construction worker in the city was killed while on the job. This latest incident happened at a construction site on Varick Street. Gregory Echevarria, a 34-year-old from Brooklyn was crushed to death when a counterweight on a crane fell on him.

Two other people were injured in the incident and taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Firefighters on scene say that the crane itself did not collapse and workers were erecting the crane at the time of the collapse.

As the article cited mentions, New York City has seen a string of fatal construction accidents over the last week. We want to highlight that, while it is important to highlight these tragic cases, we need to remember that many other people are injured in construction incidents and must live with the consequences.

When we turn to OSHA, the regulatory agency responsible for federal construction safety standards, we see that the common causes of fatalities are as follows:

  • Falls (38.7%)
  • Getting struck by an object (9.4%)
  • Electrocutions (8.3%)
  • Getting caught in between objects (7.3%)

The injuries that occur in construction accidents range in severity and can include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries/head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries/paralysis
  • Internal organ damage/internal bleeding
  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations or amputations

Emergency care is needed for all of these injuries. The severe injuries often require surgery and extensive rehabilitation for a full recovery. In some cases, victims of construction incidents are temporarily or permanently disabled.

It is absolutely vital that construction companies provide their workers with:

  • All necessary training required for each piece of equipment a worker is asked to use
  • Continual safety training
  • All equipment necessary for them to perform their jobs (clothing, respiratory gear, harnesses, etc.)

How We Can Help

If you or a loved one have been injured in a construction incident, please seek legal assistance immediately. These cases can become incredibly complicated, but at Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, our knowledgeable and experienced team is ready to help. We will investigate your case and work to secure compensation for the following:

  • Your medical expenses related to the incident
  • Lost income and benefits if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering/loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Punitive damages against those responsible

When you need a construction injury attorney, you can contact us calling us at 215-732-2260 .