We are learning that the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is revoking the license of Glen Mills, an all-boys school in Philadelphia. The revocation comes after a lengthy investigation. A DHS spokesperson cited “gross incompetence, negligence, and misconduct in operating the facilities,” and “mistreatment and abuse of children in care.” This move comes after […]
The Jehovah’s Witness Church settled a lawsuit brought by a victim of child sexual. The victim was represented by Jeffrey P. Fritz of our office. The terms of the confidential settlement cannot be disclosed, but the victim alleged that the church elders in her congregation intentionally did not report the child sexual abuse to the […]
Earlier this month, we wrote about efforts in Pennsylvania to change statute-of-limitations laws in cases related to child sex abuse. The problem with current laws is that they are inconsistent with how victims commonly process their abuse. Memories of child sex abuse can be repressed for decades before victims begin having flashbacks. In other cases, […]
In early 2013, a Franciscan friar committed suicide in the Pennsylvania monastery where he had been living. The friar, a man named Stephen Baker, had been accused of sexually molesting dozens of children in several states, and the list of accusers was getting longer by the day. If he had acted alone, Baker’s suicide might […]
Our brains are hardwired to remember fear. This serves an important evolutionary purpose: We need to remember dangerous situations so we can avoid them later. For most people, this hardwiring is not a burden. But if you have experienced trauma – violence, war, sex abuse, a car accident – it can become etched in your […]
A story that recently appeared in news has several examples of issues we have previously discussed on this blog. It comes from interviews with legendary singer/songwriter Carly Simon, who is about to release a memoir. In her memoir, titled “Boys in the Trees,” Ms. Simon describes her very first sexual experiences, which occurred with a […]
When the Jerry Sandusky scandal became national news, Americans were naturally horrified and disgusted. But some who followed the Sandusky trial had far more visceral reactions, leading them to suddenly recall long-repressed memories. Many childhood sexual abuse survivors have said that the Sandusky news coverage triggered flashbacks that had been buried since childhood. Repression of memories […]
Earlier this summer, we wrote about a news story that sparked controversy, anger and a lot of public discussions. It involved the Duggar family, of the now-cancelled TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting.” The family’s wholesome image was tarnished by surfacing allegations that the eldest son Josh had molested five girls starting when he was […]