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Tag: Philadelphia Sexual Abuse and Assault Attorney

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, May 2, 2018.

Victims of sexual crimes deserve justice. The people who commit these crimes – especially when they are in positions of authority like church elders, teachers and coaches – should be held accountable for their crimes. However, it is never easy for victims of sexual abuse to come forward and bring legal claims. This problem is […]

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On behalf of greg On Monday, December 4, 2017.

In a recent blog post, we discussed the recent sex abuse allegations against Philadelphia area doctor Ricardo Cruciani. Initially, Cruciani was facing seven counts of various sex crimes against patients in a few local medical facilities. As is often the case with this type of situation, the abuses are much more rampant than they first appeared. […]

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On behalf of greg On Monday, August 25, 2014.

We have previously written about a behavior known as “passing the trash.” This is when sexual abusers who work in schools and similar organizations are allowed to resign quietly rather than being fired and reported to the police. Their previous employer may even agree to write a letter of recommendation. The problems with passing the […]

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On behalf of greg On Monday, July 28, 2014.

When it comes to protecting children from abusive adults, talk is cheap and should not be trusted unless it is backed up by observable actions. Institutions can say that they are protecting children from sexual abuse, but this means nothing if they are unwilling to be transparent about their actions or methods. Few places are […]

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On behalf of greg On Thursday, July 3, 2014.

Last week, we wrote about the importance of giving sex abuse victims adequate time to file claims against their abusers. Child sex abuse is so traumatic that victims may repress memories for years or even decades. Even if they do not repress memories, many victims still take this long to process and come to terms […]

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