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The Cruciani sexual abuse allegations keep growing

Posted in Sexual Abuse on Monday, December 4, 2017.

In a recent blog post, we discussed the recent sex abuse allegations against Philadelphia area doctor Ricardo Cruciani. Initially, Cruciani was facing seven counts of various sex crimes against patients in a few local medical facilities.

As is often the case with this type of situation, the abuses are much more rampant than they first appeared. In fact, according to another recent report from Action News 6, Cruciani is now being accused of many more abuses, some of them lasting for years.

The Nature of the Recent Accusations

The recent allegations against Cruciani, like the previous allegations, involve sexual assault and related atrocities. According to the Action News article, there are at least 17 women from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey who are stepping forward to bring related charges against Cruciani.

Apparently, these accusations go back a dozen years or more,

Some common trends in most of these allegations include:

  • The victims were in a vulnerable position: As the victims’ neurologist, Cruciani consistently had them in a vulnerable position.
  • The victims felt they had no choice but to allow the abuses to continue: Because Cruciani was considered a unique expert in “rare, complicated syndromes that produce debilitating pain,” the women he was abusing felt they needed to continue the treatment, even if it meant suffering further abuses.
  • The abuses lasted for a number of years: The abuses that at first appeared to be one-off events are now starting to appear to be long-term patterns of repeated abuse against many female victims.

To further complicate the issues, some of the new victims and their attorneys are looking at the hospitals and other facilities where Cruciani committed these abuses. If they afforded him the opportunity to commit these crimes without adequate security and supervision, these facilities could also carry a degree of liability.

We Are Fighting for Justice

Our own attorney Jeffrey Fritz is representing a number of victims since the beginning. With a wealth of experience and all the resources of Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, behind him, there is no doubt the victims of these crimes will receive justice for what they have suffered.

Victims Deserve Justice

No one deserves to suffer such abuses and indignities. If you have been victimized by Dr. Cruciani – or anyone – call attorney Jeffrey Fritz of Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys