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Reading Defective Products Lawyer

It is a basic premise that all consumers are entitled to safe and functional products, no matter whether the products are purchased online or in person. Despite that, countless people suffer injuries from dangerous products. Common products causing injury include, but are not limited to, furniture, children’s toys, household appliances, vehicles, and prescription medicine.

When legal issues appear after someone is injured by a faulty or unsafe product, a product liability lawsuit is possible. When you or a loved one are injured by a faulty product, there are many legal avenues to explore. A Reading defective products lawyer could assist you in navigating your options when you or a loved one has suffered an injury from a dysfunctional and unsafe product. Contact a personal injury attorney to begin your claim.

Establishing Liability for a Defective Product

A central legal concept in product liability cases is that of “strict liability,” where manufacturers and retail sellers are liable for a customer’s injuries from a defective product. Strict liability exists when the product was defective in its manufacturing, marketing, or design when it left the seller’s control. For example, to show a design defect claim, a person must show a reasonable alternative design could have fixed the problem. To show a manufacturing defect existed, you must prove that something went wrong during the manufacturing process. Finally, to show a marketing defect exists, a person must provide evidence that the seller failed to include the right warnings or instructions for safe use within the product’s packaging or that the manufacturer used dishonest marketing.

When a defective product hurts a person, they could hold several parties liable, such as the product’s distributor or manufacturer. Even when they are not aware of the defect, they could be responsible because they have a duty to ensure products are safe. Importantly, the defect must be the main and direct cause of the injury. A defective products attorney in Reading could help you make a strong case that proves another is liable for the injuries.

Securing Compensation Through a Product Liability Claim

People use products all day, from the moment a person wakes up to the moment they fall asleep. When a defective product catches a person by surprise, the injuries can be significant. Any consumer product has the potential to be defective, and some of the most common defective product categories are household appliances, auto defects, children’s products, and personal electronics. A defective product can result in injuries, emotional harm, missed time at work, or even death of a loved one.

While nothing can fully make up for the damage a defective product does, a lawyer in Reading could help you pursue the maximum compensation that you deserve. An injured person could recover economic and non-economic damages for the harm suffered. Some examples of economic damages are payments for future medical care, lost wages, and hospital bills. Some examples of non-economic damages are reimbursement for pain and suffering or loss of consortium.

Contact a Defective Products Lawyer in Reading to Learn More

Product safety is serious, and lawsuits regarding defective products can be complicated and difficult to prove on your own. The powerful companies behind these products often have vast resources on hand to make your lawsuit a tedious and long process. When you call a seasoned attorney dedicated to fighting against such companies to take on your case, you monumentally increase your chances of having a winning case. Contact a Reading defective products lawyer to discuss your claim options.