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Alleged Hit-and-run Driver Arrested For Injuring Older Pedestrian

Posted in Car Accidents on Friday, November 6, 2015.

Pedestrians are at a distinct disadvantage anytime they cross a street or highway, whether they are crossing in a marked crosswalk or the middle of a block. Unfortunately, some drivers do not stop for pedestrians regardless of where they are crossing. This apparently is what happened recently in a car accident in Upper Chichester.

According to the Upper Chichester Township Police Department, a 75-year-old woman was seriously injured when she was struck by a car driven by a 25-year-old West Chester man. According to police, the woman was crossing Conchester Highway in front of a Dunkin’ Donuts store around 7 p.m. A surveillance video from the fast-food restaurant showed that she was standing in the road on the double yellow line when she was hit by a westbound sport utility vehicle. The impact threw her to the ground. The SUV driver stopped briefly but soon drove off. The woman suffered arm, pelvis and leg fractures and was taken to Crozer-Chester Medical Center for surgery.

Following tips from local motorists and witnesses, local police found and arrested the driver more than six hours after the incident. He has been charged with hit and run, failure to stop and give aid, failure to notify police about the incident and causing an accident involving injury or death.

Regardless of whether or not a car accident is accidental, every driver is required by law to stop, render aid if possible and inform police about the incident. If not, a driver can face severe consequences, especially if he or she leaves the accident scene. Criminal charges are usually filed against hit-and-run drivers. They also can be held accountable for all damages ranging from medical expenses to emotional distress and other related costs.

Source: Delcotimes, “West Chester man charged in hit-and-run crash on Route 322,” Cindy Scharr, Oct. 29, 2014